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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - pinion


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  I noun; tech.  1) шестерня, малое зубчатое колесо пары  2) hist. зубец стены II  1. noun  1) оконечность птичьего крыла  2) перо  3) poet. крыло  2. v.  1) подрезать или связывать крылья; The cruel owners used to pinion the birds wings together to prevent them from flying.  2) связывать (руки);  3) крепко привязывать: The prisoners arms were pinioned to his sides with ropes. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. оконечность птичьего крыла 2. (маховое) перо 3. крыло 4. подрезать или связывать крылья 5. связывать (руки) they pinioned us with strong ropes —- она связали нас (нам руки) крепкими веревками 6. (to) крепко привязывать к чему-л. the prisoner was pinioned to a tree —- пленника привязали к дереву 7. тех. малое зубчатое колесо пары, ведущее колесо, шестерня pinion drive —- зубчатая передача ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) см. pinon pine 2) маховое перо первого или второго порядка 3) подрезать крылья ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) крыло 2) триб 3) трибка 4) шестереночный 5) шестерня chain pinion shaft — цепной вал minute wheel pinion — триб вексельного колеса pinion carrier spider — держатель сателлитов - draft pinion - lantern pinion - pinion carriage - pinion ring - pinion shaft - pinion stand - planetary pinion - rack pinion - reverse pinion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) шестерня 2) ведущая шестерня (главной передачи автомобиля) 3) сателлит (в планетарной зубчатой передаче) - bevel gear pinion - circle drive pinion - Cu-plated pinion - differential pinion - differential bevel pinion - drive pinion - error-free pinion - final drive pinion - floating pinion - idler pinion - mill pinion - plane ary pinion - plane pinion - reverse pinion - spur pinion - starter pinion - transfer gear pinion - transmission pinion - turning pinion - unplated pinion ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 the outer part of a bird's wing, usu. including the flight feathers. 2 poet. a wing; a flight-feather. --v.tr. 1 cut off the pinion of (a wing or bird) to prevent flight. 2 a bind the arms of (a person). b (often foll. by to) bind (the arms, a person, etc.) esp. to a thing. Etymology: ME f. OF pignon ult. f. L pinna: see PIN 2. n. 1 a small cog-wheel engaging with a larger one. 2 a cogged spindle engaging with a wheel. Etymology: F pignon alt. f. obs. pignol f. L pinea pine-cone (as PINE(1)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, probably modification of Anglo-French *empignon, enpenoun flight feathers, ultimately from Vulgar Latin *pinnion-, pinnio, from Latin pinna feather — more at pen  Date: 15th century  1. the terminal section of a bird's wing including the carpus, metacarpus, and phalanges; broadly wing  2. feather, quill; also flight feathers  • ~ed adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: 1558  1.  a. to disable or restrain by binding the arms  b. to bind fast ; shackle  2. to restrain (a bird) from flight especially by cutting off the ~ of one wing  III. noun  Etymology: French pignon, from Middle French peignon, from peigne comb, from Latin pecten — more at pectinate  Date: 1659  1. a gear with a small number of teeth designed to mesh with a larger wheel or rack  2. the smaller of a pair or the smallest of a train of gear wheels ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (pinions, pinioning, pinioned) If you are pinioned, someone prevents you from moving or escaping, especially by holding or tying your arms. At nine the next morning Bentley was pinioned, hooded and hanged. VERB: be V-ed, also V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 T always + adv/prep to hold or tie up someone's arms or legs very tightly, so that they cannot move freely  (Her arms were pinioned tightly behind her.) 2 T usually passive technical to cut off the big strong feathers from a bird's wings so that it cannot fly ~2 n 1 a small wheel, with teeth on its outer edge, that fits into a larger wheel and turns it or is turned by it  (- compare cogwheel) 2 literary a bird's wing 3 technical the outer part of a bird's wing, where the strongest flying feathers grow ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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